In a bankruptcy, unsecured creditors get repaid after secured lenders. 在破产程序中,无担保债权人通常在有担保的借贷人之后才能获得清偿。
It must be possible to achieve such a mandatory recapitalisation by unsecured creditors and counterparties for any institution overnight, and without interrupting normal business. 凭借无担保债权人和其它对手方使任何机构在一夜之间实现这种强制性资本重组,同时又不扰乱正常的业务,肯定是可能的。
"The Enron participants are going to be treated the same as other unsecured creditors who were wronged by Enron," the official said. 劳工部的官员说:安然的分享者正准备作同样的处置,那些不安全的债权人也是安然的受害者。
In addition to the bondholders, there are often large numbers of other unsecured creditors, many of which could get paid as much as the bondholders when the bankruptcy process is eventually completed. 除了债券持有人外,往往还有大量无抵押的其他债权人,其中许多人在破产过程最终结束时可能得到与债券持有人相同的偿付。
The fourth option, recapitalisation, would convert the claims of unsecured creditors to equity in the bridge bank. 第四个选择是资本重组,这将把无抵押债权人的债权转为过渡银行的股权。
The solution is clear, and it is not a tax on financial transactions: bring default risk back into the calculations of unsecured creditors and other counterparties of the financial sector. 解决办法清晰可见,并不是对金融交易征税:而是将违约风险重新纳入对无担保债权人和金融业其它对手方的考量范围之内。
This would permit their unsecured creditors and other counterparties to be forcibly and swiftly converted into shareholders, until the institutions are adequately capitalised. 这将使它们的无担保债权人及其它对手方被迫迅速转变为股东,直至这些机构获得充足的资本金。
A resolution authority, more powerful than the existing insolvency service, could not only protect unsecured creditors more effectively, but also balance the interests of creditors with those of the public at large. 一个比现有破产服务机构(insolvencyservice)权力更大的决议机构,不仅能够更有效的保护无担保债权人,还能平衡债权人与普通公众的利益。
At the crux of the debate is the issue of whether senior unsecured creditors take a hit. 辩论的症结在于优先无担保债权人是否会遭受冲击。
The subordinated debt would be unsecured; holders would stand last in line among all creditors in the event that a bank had to be shut down. 次级债将是无担保债务,在银行倒闭情况下,其持有人得到清偿的次序将排在其它所有债务人之后。
Unsecured: unless creditor gets specific creditors claim they have no claim to assets. 无抵押:除非债权人获得明确的债权请求,否则他们对资产没有主张的权利。
Voidable disposition of property unsecured creditors 'committee 可使无效的产权处置无抵押债权人委员会
In the future, the claims of workers will take precedence only over unsecured creditors. 以后对工人的诉求,将只会优先于无担保的债权人。
Legal seizure of property or a person. unsecured creditors 'committee 拘捕或扣押对财产或人员的法律扣押无抵押债权人委员会